5 Advantages of Anesthesia-Free Restoration With Laser Dentistry

Advantages of laser dentistry

The latest in laser dentistry technology is making anesthesia-free dentistry a reality for many patients. Depending on your case, your next restorative dentistry treatment may be comfortable and pain-free without the use of any dental anesthesia at all.

How Laser Dentistry Improves on Traditional Treatment Methods

Traditional dental procedures have relied on drills to remove tooth decay and prepare areas for restorative treatment, processes that require a local anesthetic or other types of sedation to prevent pain. Even then, there’s still some discomfort due to vibration.

Laser dentistry, however, has made considerable leaps and bounds in just the past few years. Today, it provides a practical solution for procedures involving both soft and hard tissue. Whether removing tooth decay or evening out your gumline, laser dentistry precisely targets the affected tissue and removes it without impacting the surrounding tissue. The end result is a treatment that preserves more healthy tissue and ensures comfort throughout the procedure.

The Unique Technological Benefits of Laser Dentistry

New technologies, such as the Solea Laser, have made the practice even more versatile and effective, greatly improving accuracy and providing dentists with a much higher level of control.

Specific laser wavelengths that target the appropriate type of tissue, fine-tuned power control to adjust operational speed, and precise laser spot size all contribute to more precise and accurate treatment. 

Suffice to say, laser dentistry is now able to deliver results far beyond what even a highly skilled dentist could once achieve with a drill, scalpel, and other traditional tools.

Anesthesia-Free Dentistry Now Possible

The improved comfort provided by laser dentistry is one of the primary reasons so many patients love it. In fact, it even makes anesthesia-free dentistry possible for some procedures, which brings the following range of benefits with it.

1. Pain-Free Procedures

If you are concerned about the pain you may feel during your next dental procedure, breathe easy knowing that laser dentistry removes material without affecting surrounding tissue, which means it can be a virtually pain-free experience for many types of procedures.

With anesthesia-free dentistry, you’ll avoid the brief pain of a local anesthetic injection, and you also won’t need to deal with the unpleasant numbness that can endure for some time after your dental procedure is complete.

2. Reduced Anxiety and Fear

Dental anxiety is a serious concern that keeps many patients from seeking out the dental care they need. Even with local anesthesia, the whir and vibration of a dental drill can be uncomfortable and unsettling.

That avoidance, however, can lead to long-term oral health issues that often require more invasive treatment in the long run. Avoiding a simple filling today could mean needing a tooth replacement down the line.

Laser dentistry provides a more comfortable experience that eliminates many of the issues and sensations responsible for dental anxiety, down to the removal of local anesthetic needles.

3. Faster Treatment Time

For many patients, one of the worst things about dental procedures is the amount of time they need to spend in the dentist’s chair. Avoiding the need for anesthetic removes one of the longer steps of most dental procedures, making the overall process faster. What’s more, dental lasers can also remove tissue at a faster pace, and their increased accuracy means less material needs to be removed in the first place.

4. Improved Recovery

Recovery after a dental procedure is another common area of concern. Dental lasers, thankfully, help speed up the recovery process for a wide range of procedures. As such, you’ll be back to normal much sooner and be able to avoid unpleasant symptoms such as discomfort, bleeding, and swelling.

Without the need for local anesthesia, you also avoid the after-effects following your procedure. You’re likely aware that you shouldn’t eat or drink for about an hour after a dental procedure with a local anesthetic because you might unknowingly bite your tongue or the inside of your mouth, but laser dentistry lets you avoid post-treatment numbness.

5. Potential Cost Savings

Not only is anesthesia-free laser dentistry more comfortable and convenient, but it can also reduce your treatment costs. Undergoing local anesthesia can contribute significantly to total treatment costs, and the medication itself is an additional cost, so it must be carefully dosed. Laser dentistry requires far fewer resources than other treatment methods, making it possible to avoid a costly procedure altogether.

See how laser dentistry can help you.

You can take advantage of the latest developments in dental technology by choosing Orchard Dental Associates for all of your dental needs. We’re the best family dentist in Corpus Christi for modern treatment options. We implement equipment such as Fotona, Waterlase, and Solea Lasers, to deliver exceptional results and comfort. Reach out today to see how laser dentistry can help you.

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