Beyond the Dentist: 5 Tips to Reduce Stress and the Risks of Bruxism

Find relief from bruxism

Are you constantly dealing with sensitive teeth or jaw pain? One of the most common reasons behind these symptoms is bruxism, the unconscious grinding or clenching of your teeth. This condition can cause serious long-term oral health issues, so it’s in your best interests to seek out effective advice and treatment from your dentist today.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition where you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth, typically during sleep. That constant grinding has a serious impact on enamel, which wears away over time. Enamel doesn’t grow back, so bruxism can cause permanent damage to your smile.

As bruxism often takes place during sleep, you may not be aware that you’re grinding your teeth. Signs such as jaw pain, visibly worn teeth, headaches, and low sleep quality are all common indicators of bruxism. If you experience sleep apnea, you are also at increased risk of bruxism.

You could find yourself dealing with bruxism due to a wide range of factors. It is often related to issues such as bite misalignment and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. However, one of the most prominent factors in bruxism is stress.

When you’re under constant stress, muscles throughout your body tend to be tenser than usual, including the power muscles that control your jaw. This exerts excessive pressure, which can damage your teeth when they push and move against each other.

What can you do to address the stress behind bruxism?

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of bruxism, you should speak with your dentist. They’ll be able to advise you on lifestyle changes and treatment options that can improve your condition. In general, stress management often makes up an important part of that treatment plan. The following techniques could help alleviate your bruxism.

1. Try stress management techniques.

A variety of stress management techniques can help reduce bruxism. Many people try methods such as yoga and meditation. However, those aren’t the only options.

Other mindfulness exercises can serve to reduce stress. One example is deep breathing exercises. For some people, simply committing time to self-reflect can make a big difference.

2. Establish a calming bedtime routine.

The right bedtime routine can improve the quality of your sleep and help prevent bruxism. Ideally, you should have the same routine every night. Going to bed and waking at random times can impact your sleep quality.

Try to make your time before bed calm. Avoiding screen time can be particularly beneficial. Some people also choose to spend half an hour before bed reading. And make sure to incorporate brushing and flossing into your bedtime routine as well.

3. Keep up with regular exercise.

Exercise can work wonders to improve stress levels in your life. You don’t have to do much, but the most important thing is to do so regularly. A simple afternoon walk can make marked improvements in both stress and overall health.

If you’re concerned about mobility or specific medical conditions impacting your ability to exercise, you can always ask your physician about appropriate options. There are numerous ways to get the exercise you need under essentially any conditions.

4. Identify triggers of stress.

Managing stress is one approach, but you can also take action to mitigate the sources of stress in your life. If your career or home life seems to be getting out of hand, you might benefit from taking a new approach to scheduling your time.

A variety of habits may further contribute to your stress. Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco can all increase your overall stress level, even if they seem to provide short-term relief. Cutting those bad habits out of your life can help you enjoy better overall health and wellness.

5. Get the support you need.

There’s no reason you need to go through the process of handling your stress alone. Relying on friends and family for emotional support can greatly improve how you manage stress.

Depending on your individual case, it may be in your best interests to see a mental health professional. If stress has become an overpowering factor in your life, a professional can help you determine the best course of action for your needs.

Find bruxism treatment in Corpus Christi.

Making improvements to your overall health and finding the right way to manage stress can alleviate bruxism and a wide range of other issues. However, talking with the best family dentist in Corpus Christi can help ensure that your oral health isn’t damaged in the meantime.

At Orchard Dental Associates, we will evaluate your smile to determine whether bruxism or other potential issues are at hand. If bruxism does appear to be impacting your smile, we offer many treatment options depending on your unique needs. We can provide advice and guidance on dealing with bruxism, along with interventions such as nightguards to protect your teeth. You can book your consultation today.

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