Why CEREC Crowns Are Worth the Hype and the No-Wait

Why you should choose CEREC crowns

Immediate, Lasting Results with CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Can a dental crown really be prepared and placed in just one appointment? CEREC crowns are an advancement in dental technology that makes same-day treatment possible. When you need cosmetic dentistry to restore your smile, this new option provides immediate and lasting results.

When are dental crowns necessary?

Dental crowns are a common procedure in restorative and cosmetic dentistry. The crown is a protective cover that sits over a prepared tooth, protecting it against further decay or damage. Not only does it provide a beautiful smile, but it also delivers lasting strength to ensure proper function and oral health.

When tooth decay is identified early, a dental filling is often enough. Cavities are very common, with one in four U.S. adults currently having at least one. A dental filling involves removing decayed enamel and filling the hole with metal amalgam or composite resin. This stops bacteria from taking hold inside the hole and furthering tooth decay.

However, serious tooth decay can’t always be fixed with a filling. When a cavity is too large, it causes structural issues as well. A very large filling is more likely to break or come loose, so an alternative option is needed. This level of tooth decay often calls for a dental crown to restore structural integrity and ensure a lasting solution.

If you need a root canal treatment, you will likely require a dental crown afterward. Root canal treatment removes the pulp and nerve tissue inside a tooth to treat or prevent infection. This typically involves accessing the interior of the tooth through the chewing surface, which must then be restored—generally with a dental crown.

Dental crowns are also used to repair damage after dental trauma. While cosmetic dentistry options such as dental bonding and veneers can deal with minor cracks and chips, major damage requires a dental crown to provide necessary strength.

Traditional Dental Crown Treatment

One of the major downsides to traditional dental crowns is how long the entire treatment process takes. During your first appointment, your dentist removes enamel to prepare the tooth so the crown can sit over it. Then, they take physical impressions using dental putty to ensure a perfect fit.

However, after that, they must physically ship the impressions to a dental lab. There, the lab technicians create your custom dental crown to provide a perfect fit and a natural-looking match for your smile. When they’re done, they ship the finished crown back to your dentist.

At that point, several weeks have gone by. You’ll come back in, and your dentist will place the final crown. During the wait, you’ll have a temporary crown that protects the prepared tooth but isn’t a good match for your smile. Multiple appointments over several weeks make traditional dental crowns a major hassle for patients.

How CEREC Crowns Change Everything

Today, CEREC crowns have changed that process for the better. This new technology offers same day dental crowns, with no need to wait or use temporary replacements. When given the choice, patients prefer this much more convenient option.

The process is simple and straightforward. Your dentist will take a 3D scan of your mouth, creating digital impressions. They’ll then use the latest software to plan your dental crown, creating a perfect match. 

The dental crown is subsequently made using a CEREC milling unit right there in the dentist’s office, letting them create and place the dental crown in just one appointment.

The Benefits of CEREC Crowns

The most notable benefit of CEREC crowns is how much faster and more convenient your treatment will be. Instead of multiple appointments, you’ll have just one, with no need to wait several weeks for the finished crown. You also avoid physical impressions with messy dental putty, which most patients dislike.

CEREC crowns aren’t just convenient, though. They’re also strong and durable, typically lasting between 10–15 years or longer with proper maintenance. The strong porcelain material stands up to biting and chewing with ease, and caring for them is just as easy as maintaining your natural teeth.

Your dental crown is customized to suit your smile and delivers stunning, natural-looking results. They’re also a perfect fit, ensuring optimal stability. Even with all these benefits, CEREC crowns are comparable in cost to lab-milled crowns.

Don’t let tooth decay get out of hand.

The best approach to tooth decay is always to act as quickly as possible. Keep up with routine dental appointments, and reach out to your dentist if you experience a toothache or increased sensitivity. Having a crown placed today can prevent the need for extraction down the line. Orchard Dental Associates makes dental crowns easy by offering CEREC crowns. You can have your crown prepared and placed in just one appointment, with no need for a temporary replacement. Schedule an appointment today to see whether CEREC crowns are the right choice for restoring your smile.

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