The Dirty Truth: Why Skipping Professional Dental Cleanings Will Cost You Your Smile

Don't skip your dental cleanings.

Tooth decay is a serious health concern, with one in four U.S. adults having at least one cavity at this very moment. Despite how widespread cavities are, there are simple steps you can take to prevent them. One of the most effective is to keep up with routine professional dental cleanings.

What Professional Dental Cleanings Do for Your Smile

When you come in for a routine visit, your dentist will carefully examine your smile. They’ll then move on to dental cleaning, which is an important element of preventive dentistry.

During the cleaning, your dentist uses special tools to remove hardened plaque and tartar. These are deposits created by bacteria in your mouth, and they provide an environment where bacteria can thrive. Those bacteria are responsible for both tooth decay and gum disease, so dealing with them is essential.

Brushing and flossing at home can help prevent plaque development. However, they can’t remove plaque and tartar once they’ve hardened. Only a professional dental cleaning can perform that function, which means that you’ll still need to visit the dentist regularly—no matter how well you take care of your smile at home.

Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Routine Dental Appointment

Skipping your next routine dental appointment could be a serious mistake. Both the exam and teeth cleaning are essential elements of preventive dentistry. They ensure the best for your smile by providing several key benefits.

Preventing Tooth Decay

The bacteria in your mouth release acid when they metabolize food. This acid weakens and wears away your enamel, causing tooth decay and cavity formation. Maintaining daily oral hygiene and a healthy diet help manage bacteria, but professional dental cleaning plays a role as well.

Your dentist uses tools that remove accumulated plaque and tartar, which provide shelter for bacteria. Your dentist also works very thoroughly during this process, addressing areas you might have overlooked while brushing and flossing to help prevent tooth decay from taking hold in nooks and crannies.

Stopping Gum Disease

Removing plaque and tartar also helps stop gum disease. This condition is caused by bacteria infiltrating the gumline and infecting gum tissue. Higher bacteria levels in your mouth, which are caused by plaque and tartar buildup, increase your risk.

Plaque often forms at the base of your teeth where they meet the gums, as this area can be more difficult to clean. It’s one of the main focuses during professional dental cleaning, helping prevent gum disease from taking hold.

Keeping Your Smile Beautiful

While your oral health is the main focus, professional dental cleaning also improves the appearance of your smile. Once tartar forms, it seriously impacts the appearance of your smile. It can be seen easily; the porous substance soaks up staining substances like coffee and tea.

Removing plaque and tartar makes your smile look better. Your dentist will finish the dental cleaning with a polishing that makes your smile even brighter. This polishing often has a noticeable whitening effect, leaving your smile in much better shape than when you came in.

Boosting Your Confidence

You’ll be feeling great when you leave your professional dental cleaning. It can have a significant impact on your confidence, and you’ll be more likely to share your smile with the world without hesitation. Along with improvements in the look of your smile, the idea that it is clean and healthy also helps boost your self-image.

Early Oral Cancer Detection

Oral cancer is an incredibly serious condition. Like with other types of cancer, the best approach is early detection and treatment. As part of your routine appointment, your dentist will look for early signs of oral cancer. Identifying the condition sooner and acting quickly can make a significant difference in your outcome.

Avoiding Expensive Treatment

Professional dental cleanings prevent issues that could develop into more serious problems over time. Preventing tooth decay can help avoid the need for restorative treatments, such as fillings, root canal treatments, dental crowns, and dental implants. Losing and replacing a tooth will cost much more than routine appointments.

Improving Your Overall Health

Your oral health also impacts your overall health, so routine appointments support your entire body. Gum disease is linked to a variety of conditions, including heart problems, and tooth decay can lead to dietary issues when sensitivity and pain stop you from getting the nutrition you need. Protect your whole body by maintaining your oral health.

Don’t forget to schedule your routine professional dental cleanings.

Unless you have a condition that requires more frequent appointments, you should visit your local family dentist in Corpus Christi every six months. Orchard Dental Associates can handle all your routine professional dental cleanings and exams, along with any other dental treatments you might need. Make sure to reach out and schedule your next appointment.

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