7 Ways Professional Dental Cleanings Impact Your Whole Life

Professional dental cleanings are important

Professional dental cleanings do more than just clean your teeth.

When we are young, our parents tell us to brush our teeth, floss, and use mouthwash for fresher breath. And we know that we should go to the dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning. But how many of us stop to think about why such a daily routine or those trips to the dentist are so important? Of course, we know that if we don’t do those things, our teeth might feel a little fuzzy and our breath foul. Beyond that, however, do we know how important all of that is for our overall health?

As part of your routine dental care, you should do these things.

  • Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a dentist-approved toothpaste
  • Floss between your teeth at least once a day, preferably after meals and especially before bedtime
  • Rinse your mouth with a fluoridated mouthwash after brushing and flossing 
  • Visit the dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning

Failure to take care of your oral health increases your risks for coronary artery disease, clogged arteries, stroke, pregnancy complications, pneumonia, and more. Though your efforts at home play a significant role in your oral health, those professional dental cleanings are more critical than you might think. Here are some things you should know.

1. Not all professional dental cleanings are the same.

When we visit the dentist every six months, most get the usual professional dental cleaning. During this treatment, the dentist conducts an oral evaluation to assess the health of your teeth and gums. The dental hygienist will use a scaler to scrape off the plaque and tartar around your gumline and between your teeth. They’ll expertly floss between your teeth and apply a fluoride treatment, if needed.

But some patients may require a more in-depth cleaning, referred to as a perio professional deep cleaning. This deep cleaning treatment occurs below the gumline and is used to treat gum disease

2. Keeping your teeth healthy protects against other health issues.

Though, of course, your professional dental cleaning will clean your teeth and gums, the results of which do even more. Healthy teeth and gums reduce the risk of cavities and can even help prevent headaches. Further, your dentist can catch signs of bruxism (clenching and grinding) and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder.

3. Gum disease can cause bad breath and red gums.

While your dentist assesses your mouth, they will look for signs of gum disease. Typical signs include the following:

  • Red, swollen gums
  • Foul breath
  • Pain when chewing
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Gum recession
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • A change in how your teeth fit together
  • A change in the fit of your partial dentures

Catching gum disease early helps you to reverse the effects. If it progresses into periodontitis, you have an increased risk of tooth loss.

4. Rid your mouth of bad bacteria as it builds up as plaque.

Despite our best efforts, we can’t scrape off tartar or dental calculus with our toothbrush at home. And, even though we think we’re doing a great job when we brush, we often miss spots here and there. Unfortunately, as plaque builds up on our teeth, it eats away the enamel. This results in cavities and tooth decay. Plaque buildup can lead to gum disease and severe periodontal disease if left untreated. Further, if the plaque turns into tartar, the bacteria cause bad breath and can turn your teeth yellow. Since your mouth is part of the digestive system, this can negatively affect your entire body.

5. Catch Oral Cancer Early

Oral cancer is highly treatable in the early stages. Your dentist will have the best chance of catching it when you make twice-a-year visits. As your dentist conducts the oral cancer screening evaluation, they will assess the inside of your mouth. Your dentist will look for white or red patches or mouth sores. Your dentist will also feel the tissues in your mouth and on your throat and neck for abnormalities or lumps.

6. Save Time and Money

If there are two things there always seems to be a shortage of, it’s time and money. And we hear it all the time from patients. They don’t have time to get to the dentist twice a year. Or going to the dentist is expensive (especially if they don’t have dental insurance). But many people don’t realize that those cleanings and preventive dentistry ultimately save time and money. When you don’t visit the dentist regularly, you are more likely to develop a far more serious dental condition. And those conditions are far more expensive than a cleaning.

7. Look and Feel Good

Last but not least, clean teeth look and feel good. As your teeth develop cavities or loosen from lack of care, it can change how the inside of your mouth feels. Holes in your teeth are unsightly, as is discoloration from poor oral hygiene habits. Going to the dentist helps keep your smile bright and white, which looks and feels good.

Book an appointment with your local family dentist in Corpus Christi and experience all the benefits of a professional dental cleaning.

If you are overdue for a professional dental cleaning, there is no time like the present to get caught up. Contact us to request an appointment and experience all the benefits of a great smile! You’ll quickly see how dental cleanings can impact your whole life.

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