Need a Tooth Restored? 4 Reasons to Consider Anesthesia-Free Options With Laser Dentistry

Pain free with laser dentistry.

Getting dental restorations can cause some discomfort. Procedures like getting dental crowns, fillings, and more might even cause dental anxiety that could keep you from reaching out for help in the first place. An option we offer at Orchard Dental Associates is anesthesia-free restoration via laser dentistry. Learn more about how this option can help. 

Laser Dentistry at Orchard Dental Associates

At our offices, we provide a few different lasers to help with dental restoration procedures. Our lasers are:

  • Fotona
  • Waterlase
  • Solea

The Fotona laser is perfect for all hard and soft tissue treatments. It uses high-energy and high-frequency laser technology to provide precision incisions and tissue removal, allowing us to remove tooth decay without risk of trauma or the need for local anesthetic. It offers deep thermal disinfection as well as high-speed cutting with minimal bleeding.

Our Waterlase laser uses a water-energized laser beam that can cut into teeth and other oral tissues. It can shape teeth and bone more easily using pinpoint precision that avoids direct contact. It’s an excellent option for preparing teeth and reducing the enamel for crown preparations. 

Solea is a 9.3-micron CO2 laser that works on soft and hard tissue, enabling precision cutting. It’s as effective on dentin and bone as it is on gum tissue. It vaporizes enamel, providing faster dental restoration services

Benefits of Anesthesia-Free Options

Choosing laser dentistry treatment offers the chance to have a more positive experience at the dentist’s office. Anesthesia-free options provide a number of benefits. 

Quieter Operation With Less Vibration

The noise of a drill in your mouth can be uncomfortable for people of all ages. It’s not only the noise, but the vibration that seems to shake your entire skull. With a laser, you don’t have to worry about that drilling sound and sensation, even for procedures like removing the plaque from your teeth. 

Dental anxiety is a serious concern, as well, 36% of Americans suffer from it, according to the National Library of Medicine. It can make going to the dentist very stressful and might even stop some people from getting regular dental checkups. 

By knowing there are treatment options available that reduce the vibration and noise that ramps up fear for many people, you’ll be more likely to keep your dental appointments. This, in turn, can help you prevent oral health issues.

Comfortable Treatment Without Injections

Another major concern for people who have to get a dental procedure is the prospect of getting an injection in their mouth. However, when undergoing procedures like fillings or dental crowns, anesthetics are necessary and require injections. 

Procedures that use laser dentistry, however, don’t require anesthesia. This means no injections to worry about. You won’t have to stress about pain or discomfort. Lasers are also better for people who have sensitive teeth, which would require more anesthetics. The laser gets the work done without causing you discomfort. 

Faster Treatment

Laser dentistry offers precision. This means you get the results you need from the treatment while also benefiting from speed and accuracy. The speed of a laser makes removing plaque or enamel much faster, with some of our lasers vaporizing them within moments. 

With laser dentistry, bleeding is also not a concern. The laser promotes blood clotting, so you are likely to experience very little bleeding, if any. Not only does this make the procedure better for you, but it also speeds it up because you don’t have to get sutures. You don’t have to sit through the process of getting the sutures or dealing with their care. 

There is also a lower risk of infection when you turn to laser dentistry. Traditional dental tools can create small abrasions in your gums and other tissues, increasing the chances of developing a gum infection. This slows down your recovery process and can even mean having to schedule more dental appointments for your dentist to monitor and care for the infection. 

A laser doesn’t use those types of tools and actually sterilizes the area, eliminating most of the bacteria that can cause issues. 

Choosing laser dentistry at a local family dentist in Corpus Christi, TX.

If you need dental restorations, one of your best options is to turn to laser dentistry. Laser dentistry treatments at Orchard Dental Associates provide some of the most advanced solutions for your greatest dental concerns. Our lasers offer the chance to receive comfortable, fast, and quiet procedures. This is crucial if you suffer from dental anxiety or just worry about going to the dentist. Don’t hesitate to get the care you need. Contact us today at Orchard Dental Associates to schedule an appointment.

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