Start With a Healthy Smile: 5 Oral Health Resolutions for the New Year

New Year's resolutions for oral health.

Why make oral health one of your New Year’s resolutions?

Each year, 38.5% of U.S. adults set New Year’s resolutions, yet only about 9% manage to achieve them by year end. The challenge often results from setting overly ambitious or unrealistic goals. So to help you stick to enhancing your oral health in the new year, we’re giving you practical tips to ensure those resolutions become achievements to celebrate when December rolls around.

According to the CDC, by age 8, more than half of children have had cavities in their baby teeth, and 1 in 4 adults aged 20 to 64 currently has cavities. These are significant statistics. The main culprits behind cavities are poor brushing and flossing, frequent snacking, and consuming sugary drinks. 

The good news is that you can largely control these factors. So if you’re on a journey to a healthier you, consider adding oral health to your list of resolutions.

Setting New Year’s Resolution Goals That You Can Keep

Prioritizing oral health is crucial because poor oral health can contribute to serious illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. To set achievable goals, consider the SMART approach: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

For example, a SMART goal related to dental care might be “I will schedule and attend a dental checkup by March 31st to ensure I address any oral health issues promptly.” This specific, measurable, and time-bound goal keeps oral health a priority.

5 Oral Health Resolutions To Try in the New Year 

Setting New Year’s resolutions can be overwhelming, and it’s no wonder that 23% of people abandon their goals by the end of the first week, with 43% giving up by January’s end. Four common reasons lead to resolution failure: a lack of accountability, the timing of those goals, unanticipated obstacles, and the size of the goals. So we’ve simplified things for you. Just scan the list and choose what resonates with you. Then take the leap!

1. Commit to consistent oral care.

A consistent oral oral hygiene routine is vital. Dental plaque can harden into tartar within 48 hours, eventually leading to issues like cavities and gum disease

Here are two SMART goals for consistent oral care:

  • “I will brush my teeth for two minutes, twice daily.”
  • “I will floss my teeth every night before bedtime.”

2. Schedule regular dental checkups.

Professional dental cleanings and evaluations every six months are vital for maintaining oral health. Two SMART goals for scheduling regular dental checkups could be:

  • “I will schedule and attend my next dental checkup by [specific date].”
  • “I will book my dental appointments for the entire year in advance, ensuring consistent care.”

3. Improve your oral hygiene routine. 

Enhancing your oral hygiene routine goes beyond consistency. It involves fine-tuning the entire process. Two unique SMART goals for this aspect are:

  • “I will switch to an electric toothbrush for more efficient cleaning by [specific date].”
  • “I will incorporate tongue scraping into my daily routine to enhance overall oral health.”

4. Cut down on sugary snacks and drinks.

Reducing sugary snacks and drinks can be challenging as sugar consumption triggers a rush that’s hard to resist. This sugar rush activates the brain’s reward system, releasing feel-good hormones like dopamine, leading to future cravings and a tough cycle to break. 

Set phased SMART goals for the year to make this transition easier and gradually reduce sugar intake.

  • January-March: “I will replace one sugary drink with water daily.”
  • April-June: “I will limit sugary snacks to once a week.”
  • July-September: “I will choose healthier snacks over sugary ones three times a week.”
  • October-December: “I will celebrate the year by enjoying sugary treats only on special occasions.”

Each phase makes the transition more manageable.

5. Quit smoking or using tobacco products. 

Smoking wreaks havoc on oral health. It reduces oxygen in the bloodstream, hindering gum healing and accelerating gum disease. To quit smoking or using tobacco, consider these SMART goals:

  • “I will consult my primary care provider by January 31 to develop a personalized smoking cessation plan.”
  • “I will reduce smoking by one cigarette per day for the next month.”
  • “I will seek support from a local smoking cessation group or counselor by February 28.”
  • “I will remain tobacco-free for a full year, celebrating a smoke-free milestone.”

These goals promote a gradual and sustainable journey toward quitting.

A New Year and a Healthier Smile

As you embark on a new year, remember that prioritizing dental health is crucial for attaining and maintaining a healthy smile. By setting achievable goals and focusing on oral hygiene, receiving regular checkups, and cutting down on harmful habits, you can avoid the need for restorative dentistry down the road. 

Schedule a professional cleaning with Orchard Dental Associates today to start the year with a brighter, healthier smile. Your smile deserves the best care.

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