General Dentistry

Preventing Tooth Loss from Gum Disease

The mouth is a warm, moist environment that makes it a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. While the presence of bacteria alone is not a sign of an unhealthy mouth, patients do need to be cautious. By practicing good oral hygiene habits, and scheduling routine general dentistry treatments that will keep the teeth clean, patients [...]

How Exposed Tooth Roots Cause Dental Pain and Toothaches

Patients who come to our practice know that they are in good hands. We are one of the leading general dentistry practices serving Corpus Christi, offering state-of-the-art dental care that makes patients smile with improved health and renewed confidence. When a patient comes to our practice complaining of toothaches or tooth sensitivity, the issue is [...]

Providing Quality Dental Care for Teens

With all the important things that a teen has to focus on, like school, sports, family, and friends, appearance should be the least of their worries. We give our teenage patients one less thing to worry about by helping them maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Drs. Charles A. Robertson and Nicholas Perry Orchard offer general…

Protecting the Teeth from the Damages of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that prevents the body from properly regulating its production of insulin and its ability to process blood sugar. This disease can have a number of harmful effects on a person’s physical health. With properly regulated medication, most individuals can keep diabetes under control and reduce the risk of harmful side effects, [...]

Treatment for the Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Although they are often taken for granted, people rely on their teeth every day. The teeth perform important biting and chewing functions, and even assist in talking. However, these functions can become greatly compromised, or just become extremely uncomfortable, when tooth pain is present. At our general dentistry practice, Drs. Charles A. Robertson and Nicholas [...]

Gum Recession Causes and Treatments

Gum recession is a serious dental condition that can increase a patient’s risk of tooth decay, cause sensitivity, and affect the appearance of the smile. If you have a receding gum line, Dr. Charles A. Robertson and Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard invite you to schedule a general dentistry appointment to undergo a gum recession evaluation [...]

Bad Dental Habits: Some Activities That You Should Avoid for a Great Smile

The team at Robertson and Orchard D.D.S. is committed to helping patients throughout Corpus Christi achieve beautiful smiles and good overall health and wellness. This is often achieved through general dentistry procedures focused on maintaining the health of the teeth and gums. Part of good general dentistry is prevention. We want to look at some [...]

Did You Know General Dentistry Can Protect Your Heart?

Everything in the body is connected. A knot in your neck can lead to radiating back pain, and a fever can make your entire body weak and achy. However, the connection between oral and cardiovascular health often goes overlooked. Research suggests that there is a strong link between gum disease and heart disease. Some experts…

Attention Expectant Mothers: Dental Care and Pregnancy

During a woman’s lifetime, her body will go through many changes, from puberty to menopause. However, nothing will change her body as quickly or dramatically as pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormonal changes will affect nearly every aspect of her health, including the health of her mouth. At the cosmetic and general dentistry practice of Drs. Charles [...]

How General Dentistry Can Prevent Cavities

Cavities are an unfortunate consequence of poor oral health. If you fail to brush and floss your teeth regularly, or you skip routine dental exams, you may develop a cavity. At the practice of Dr. Charles A. Robertson and Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard, we offer general dentistry services to remove oral bacteria, plaque, and tartar, [...]