Treatment for the Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Although they are often taken for granted, people rely on their teeth every day. The teeth perform important biting and chewing functions, and even assist in talking. However, these functions can become greatly compromised, or just become extremely uncomfortable, when tooth pain is present. At our general dentistry practice, Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard offers restorative dentistry services to repair damaged teeth, and eliminate the most common causes of tooth pain. Here we discuss the causes of tooth pain that frequently affect our Corpus, Christi, TX patients.

What Causes Tooth Pain?

The teeth are surrounded by a hard layer of enamel that protects the sensitive inner layers of the teeth, where the nerves lie. If a patient is experiencing tooth pain, then it is most likely because that outer layer of enamel has become damaged, resulting in the exposure or inflammation of that inner layer of the tooth. Some of the factors that can compromise the health and structure of the teeth, thus resulting in tooth pain, include the following:

  • Tooth decay: Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of tooth pain. Decay occurs when bacteria, plaque, and tartar build up on the tooth and slowly eat away at healthy tooth enamel. As that decay progresses, the outer layer of the tooth weakens, and the inner layer of the tooth is exposed, which frequently results in pain or discomfort.
  • Infection: An infection of either the tooth (a root canal infection) or gums (gum disease) can result in tooth pain. In these cases, it is the inflammation either inside of, or surrounding the tooth (in the gum tissue), that is most likely the source of pain and discomfort.
  • Tooth fracture: A traumatic injury can cause the tooth to break or fracture. As is the case with decay, this fracture will expose the inner layer of the tooth and may result in significant pain. A fracture also leaves the tooth vulnerable to infection.
  • Damaged dental work: Restorative dental work is meant to repair tooth damage and eliminate oral pain. While effective, these restorations do have a lifespan. If dental work, such as crowns or fillings, becomes damaged, it can expose sensitive tooth material and is likely to result in tooth pain.

Treating Tooth Pain

In order to effectively eliminate tooth pain, it is important to treat the cause of that pain. Our dentists offer a number of restorative dentistry treatments that address tooth decay, oral damage, and infection of the teeth and gums. Some of the restorative dental treatments that may be helpful in treating tooth pain include the following:

  • Dental fillings
  • Inlays and onlays
  • Dental crowns
  • Root canal therapy
  • Periodontal treatment

Dr. Orchard will examine each case of tooth pain in order to determine which of these treatment options is the most appropriate.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are suffering from tooth pain, it is important to see an experienced dentist as soon as possible. The earlier the tooth pain is addressed, the more likely it is that treatment will be a success. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to meet with Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard to discuss restorative dentistry treatment options.

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