How General Dentistry Can Prevent Cavities

Cavities are an unfortunate consequence of poor oral health. If you fail to brush and floss your teeth regularly, or you skip routine dental exams, you may develop a cavity. At the practice of Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard, we offer general dentistry services to remove oral bacteria, plaque, and tartar, thereby reducing your risk of developing tooth decay. We can also provide tips for improved oral care at home. Though our first goal is to prevent cavities, we can also provide treatment for existing decay. To learn more about your cavities treatment options, contact our Corpus Christi practice today.

The Harmful Effects of Bacteria, Sugar, and Acid

Oral bacteria are the fundamental cause of tooth decay. If food particles are allowed to build up on the teeth, they will form a sticky film called plaque. With time, plaque will harden into tartar. Bacteria feed on this plaque and tartar, emitting damaging acids that slowly eat away at the structure of your teeth.

Sugars are the main food source for oral bacteria. This is why consuming an excess of sugary foods and drinks can increase your risk of cavities. In addition, acidic foods and drinks can also wear down your tooth enamel, making you more vulnerable to tooth decay. After consuming sugary or acidic foods and drinks, it is important to rinse your mouth out with water or brush your teeth to limit exposure to sugars and acids.

General Dentistry to Protect Your Smile

Brushing and flossing your teeth can prevent dental decay. However, home care is not enough on its own. Even when you maintain excellent dental hygiene, tartar will still form, especially in hard to reach areas such as the gum line and back teeth. We encourage you to schedule a dental visit at least every six months so we can check for the early signs of decay and remove built-up plaque and tartar. While biannual appointments are usually sufficient, you may benefit from more frequent visits if you are at a high risk for decay.

At each appointment, our hygienist will remove plaque and tartar. Dr. Orchard will also examine your teeth, looking for the small white spots that indicate the early stages of decay. If they notice these irregularities, they can provide tips for improved home care. They will also check for existing cavities and the symptoms of gum disease.

What If You Already Have a Cavity?

We work hard to protect your smile. Nevertheless, if you already have a cavity, we can treat the condition, restore dental function, and prevent further damage. Fillings are the most common option for cavities. Dr. Orchard only uses tooth-colored composite restorations. Unlike metal fillings, they will never show through your teeth. They will also form a stronger bond to more effectively fortify your tooth. If you have a more extensive cavity, we may recommend an inlay, onlay, or dental crown. However, when you visit us regularly, we can usually detect decay before it ever reaches this state.

Contact Us Today

Make your healthy smile a top priority. Contact our office today to learn more about your dental health and schedule your preventative visit.