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Are Porcelain Veneers Right for Me?

There are many factors that play a role in the appearance of your smile. The color, shape, size, and alignment of your teeth can enhance - or detract from - your overall appearance. If you wish to improve just one of these features, or all of them at the same time, you may be a [...]

Get Away from the Daily Grind: Teeth Grinding Treatment

You may be surprised to learn that chronic teeth grinding - clinically known as bruxism - is a problem that affects tens of millions of people of all ages throughout the United States. What may surprise you even more is that teeth grinding can lead to a variety of oral and overall health problems, from [...]

Fighting Gum Disease with Root Planing and Scaling

Your gums are essential not only to the health of your mouth, but to the health of your entire body. At the general dentistry practice of Drs. Charles A. Robertson and N. Perry Orchard, we take the time to educate our patients about their periodontal health because we want them to know exactly how important [...]

Dry Mouth: Causes and Treatment

Corpus Christi dentists Charles A. Robertson and Nicholas Perry Orchard have treated many patients dealing with chronic dry mouth. We understand that this condition can be caused by several factors. Finding the most effective treatment option depends largely on identifying the right cause. General dentistry can be used to identify the root cause of dry [...]

Dental Care for Seniors: Meeting the Needs of Elderly Patients

Dr. Charles A. Robertson and Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard provide the people of Corpus Christi with comprehensive general dentistry services focused on improving dental health and general wellness. Patients who are older require special attention given the natural effects of aging. It's important for dentists to tailor treatments to the needs of patients given their [...]

Bad Breath Causes and Treatments: Dealing with Halitosis

At Robertson and Orchard, DDS in Corpus Christi, we know that good general dentistry involves proper treatment, prevention, and patient education. We abide by this approach for all patients and hope to give them the smiles that they have always wanted. With that in mind, we want to look at some common causes of bad [...]

Why Are Dental Exams So Important?

Dental exams are important for a number of reasons. During routine dental exams, dentists can identify dental problems such as cavities and gingivitis in their earliest stages. This results in more conservative restorative options and less costly treatment. In addition, dentists can remove built up plaque and tartar from hard to reach areas such as…

Keep Your Smile Flawless: When to Replace Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are durable, and they can mask flaws, instantly improving the smile's appearance. Well-cared for porcelain veneers can last for many years, but even the best cared for veneers will likely require replacement at some point. Knowing the signs of when porcelain veneers need replacement is important to prolonging the life of porcelain veneers. [...]

Gum Disease and the Link to Overall Health

By many accounts, gum disease is the most common disease among Americans, affecting close to 80 percent of adults to some degree. In its more advanced stages, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and the decay of jawbone tissue, requiring multiple types of restorative dentistry. But even in milder forms it can carry negative [...]

Porcelain Veneer Aftercare

Porcelain veneers have gained a positive reputation as a relatively quick and effortless way to achieve a straighter, whiter, and more beautiful smile. But the process of being fitted with porcelain veneers does not end when the veneers are placed. While it’s true that they are quite durable, porcelain veneers still require special aftercare for [...]

What Are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is an excellent treatment option for extrinsic tooth discoloration, the yellow or brown-toned stains that affect the surface of the teeth. The teeth whitening treatment process effectively removes discoloration from tooth enamel. But before undergoing treatment, patients should understand the potential side effects of teeth whitening treatment so they know what to expect [...]

The Causes behind Damaged Dental Crowns

At our Corpus Christi dental office, we want to help you protect your teeth by whatever means necessary. For smaller cavities, dental fillings are often the best method of treatment. But when a tooth has been severely weakened by decay or other damage, dental crowns may be necessary to restore the tooth’s health and functionality. [...]