Why Are Dental Exams So Important?

Dental exams are important for a number of reasons. During routine dental exams, dentists can identify dental problems such as cavities and gingivitis in their earliest stages. This results in more conservative restorative options and less costly treatment. In addition, dentists can remove built up plaque and tartar from hard to reach areas such as the molars, gum line, and in between the teeth. The regular removal of built up plaque and tartar greatly reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, tooth erosion, gum recession, and a range of other dental problems. Because of their benefits, dental exams should be an important component of any general dentistry health care routine. At the practice of Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard in Corpus Christi, dental exams are recommended every six months.

Catch Dental Problems in their Earliest Stages

When patients attend dental exams once every six months, it gives the dentist a chance to diagnose potential problems before they even exhibit any symptoms. This means that dental problems can be treated when they are still relatively minor. Cavities and gum disease take time to develop and cause damage; twice yearly dental exams are generally enough to catch these problems before they have a chance to become serious.

Avoid the Need for More Costly Treatment

Catching dental problems in their earliest stages allows for more conservative – and less costly – treatment. For example, when a cavity initially develops, the diseased tooth structure can be removed, and then the hole filled with a durable tooth-colored composite material. However, when a minor cavity is not treated, the infection will spread, affecting a larger area of the tooth. If a significant portion of the tooth is damaged by tooth decay, a filling may no longer be an adequate restoration. Instead, a dental crown may need to be placed. A dental crown completely encapsulates the tooth, and it also requires the dentist to remove some healthy tooth structure in order to accommodate the crown. In the worst-case scenario, the tooth infection reaches the root canal of the tooth. In cases of root canal infection, endodontic therapy may be performed, or the tooth may require extraction and replacement.

The cost of each treatment option increases the longer a cavity goes untreated. This also applies to gum disease treatment; as gum disease worsens, more aggressive treatment is required, thus increasing the cost of restorative care.

Reduce the Risk of Dental Problems

During a dental exam, the dentist or hygienist will clean and polish the teeth. The tooth cleaning involves the removal of plaque and calculus, the hardened form of plaque. Plaque and calculus build up causes many dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, and tooth enamel erosion. Regular removal of built-up plaque will reduce the risk of dental problems and help patients maintain a healthy smile that will last a lifetime.

To schedule a dental exam appointment, contact the practice of Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard. We hope to hear from you soon!