Fighting Gum Disease with Root Planing and Scaling

Your gums are essential not only to the health of your mouth, but to the health of your entire body. At the general dentistry practice of Dr. N. Perry Orchard, we take the time to educate our patients about their periodontal health because we want them to know exactly how important it is for them to take care of their gums. Gum disease is the most common disease among adults in the United States, affecting roughly 75 percent of the population to varying degrees. What many people do not realize, however, is that gum disease has been linked to a heightened risk of numerous other diseases, including diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Yet, gum disease is also one of the easiest diseases to combat, at least in its earliest stages. People who visit their dentists twice a year, as recommended by the American Dental Association, for regular oral exams and professional cleanings are helping to ensure not only their oral health but their overall health. They are shoring up their defenses against a variety of serious ailments.

Fortunately, it is never too late to pick up arms in the fight against gum disease. At our dental practice in Corpus Christi, root planing and scaling are just two of the many treatments we offer to improve our patients’ gum health and restore their mouths to a cleaner state. We would be pleased to evaluate your gums and help you optimize your oral health, as well. Do it not just for your smile, but for your whole body.

How does gum disease occur?

Your mouth is naturally filled with acids and bacteria. Through the foods you eat and beverages you drink, you introduce millions upon millions more. If you happen to smoke, you introduce even more chemicals and toxins into your mouth. Needless to say, these all add up. While brushing, flossing, and rinsing certainly help to eliminate some of the bacteria and plaque that build up over time, they definitely do not eliminate it all. And most people do not brush, floss, and rinse as frequently or as well as they should.

As a result, plaque hardens into a substance called tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist. This tartar combines with the plaque and bacteria in your mouth to eat away at your oral tissues, eventually causing your gums to become inflamed and infected. In its earliest stages, gingivitis, gum disease is fairly easy to treat. In its more advanced stages, periodontitis, gum disease is extremely dangerous, leading to the destruction of tissues and tooth loss.

How can root planing and scaling help?

Root planing and scaling are usually performed as part of a single treatment called deep cleaning. The scaling portion of the deep cleaning treatment involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the gum line and within gum pockets with a special instrument. A planing instrument is then used to make the surfaces of the teeth perfectly smooth beneath the gum line so that bacteria cannot easily hide there in the future.

Learn More about Root Planing and Scaling

To learn more about root planing and scaling, please contact our general dentistry practice today.