5 Ways to Defend Against the Hidden Dangers of Gum Disease

Keep gum disease away.

The National Library of Medicine states that 47.2% of all adults in the United States have some form of gum disease. The chances of developing gum issues increase with age, and periodontal disease can affect not just your oral health but your overall health as well.  

Gum disease is common, but is it inevitable? No, there are ways that you can prevent its development. Here are some tips to help you maintain healthy gums. 

What is gum disease? Stages and Symptoms

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, refers to inflammation and infection of the tissues supporting your teeth. Gum disease begins with gingivitis, which is the mildest form and may not even cause noticeable symptoms.  

Gingivitis starts off with puffy and red gums that you may notice blood when you brush your teeth or floss. You haven’t experienced bone loss at this stage, so it’s still reversible. 

The next stage is mild periodontitis. Bacteria have made it under your gums, affecting the supporting bone. Some people may be able to spot that their gums have started to pull away from their teeth, creating small pockets. 

If you don’t treat mild periodontitis, it becomes moderate periodontitis. By this point, bacteria begin to erode ligaments and even bone. You may notice bad breath and pus. At this stage, you may experience pain. 

The last stage is advanced periodontitis. Bone loss continues during this stage, leading to loose teeth that can fall out easily. Once bone loss occurs, it’s no longer reversible. 

Common Gum Disease Causes: Oral Hygiene and Lifestyle

The most common cause of gum disease is the buildup of plaque. Plaque has many bacteria types that can infect your gums, so poor oral hygiene increases your chances of developing gum disease. 

If you don’t brush away the plaque that forms on your teeth, it hardens under your gum line, becoming tartar. Tartar is much more difficult to remove, requiring a professional dental cleaning

Some risk factors of gum disease are:

  • Having diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes
  • Autoimmune diseases

Smoking also makes you more likely to develop gum disease. Smoking weakens your immune system, so when bacteria enter your gums, your body will have a harder time fighting them off. Once you have gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for healing to occur. 

5 ways to defend your gums from periodontal disease.

If you’re worried about gum disease, there are things you can do to prevent the problem from developing or worsening. 

1. Maintain consistent oral hygiene practices.

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. This is the most important thing you can do to help prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing remove plaque, preventing it from building up. 

Remember that plaque constantly builds up, so you can’t forget to brush your teeth. Being consistent with your oral hygiene gives you the best chance of avoiding this issue. 

2. Get regular dental checkups.

Going to regular dental checkups is essential, too. The first stages of gum disease aren’t always as obvious as you may expect. You may not notice swollen or bleeding gums, and you will likely not feel any discomfort or pain. 

However, your dentist will notice. This will allow them to guide you in preventing the condition from worsening. They can offer periodontal therapy and other gum disease treatment options. 

3. Make healthy lifestyle choices. 

Your lifestyle also plays a role in your development of gum disease. If you smoke, you need to quit. Smoking causes inflammation and weakens your immune system — all issues that can quickly lead to gum disease. 

Avoid sugary foods and drinks, which can lead to more bacteria. You want to stay hydrated so that you have adequate levels of saliva. Saliva helps fight off bacteria as well. 

4. Find ways to manage stress.

Stress causes serious damage to your immune system, and a weaker immune system makes it easier for bacteria to grow and spread, leading to infections. Find healthy ways to manage your stress levels. For some people, adding deep breathing exercises can be a good choice, while others can benefit from relaxing hobbies, exercise, or yoga.  

5. Understand the warning signs.

Knowing the signs of gum disease can help you avoid the problem. If you notice your gums looking a bit redder or more swollen than usual, you want to turn to your dentist for help.

Get a gum disease evaluation at a local family dentist in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Gum disease can be a dangerous condition that affects your overall health, potentially leading to systemic infections. Recognizing the early stages of the problem helps you avoid the worst consequences, including jawbone loss. 

It’s essential that you maintain good oral hygiene and that you keep up with your dental checkups so that you can resolve gum issues early. At Orchard Dental Associates, we offer the care you need, whether you’re already struggling with gingivitis or want to prevent the problem from developing. With a team of professionals and the latest techniques, we can help. Contact us today.

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