Stress Less, Grind Less: 5 Stress Reduction Techniques to Manage Bruxism

Managing stress could reduce bruxism.

Stress has a huge impact on your oral health. High levels of stress can lead to tooth clenching and grinding, also called bruxism, which can damage your teeth, cause jawbone pain, and have other detrimental effects on your oral health. 

One effective way to manage bruxism is to reduce your stress levels. To help you, we at Orchard Dental Associates offer some of the most reliable stress reduction techniques. 

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth without realizing you are doing so. The most common form of it is night bruxism, which causes you to grind your teeth as you sleep. Day bruxism is less common, but it also occurs. 

Not treating this condition can lead to long-term issues. Perhaps the most common problem people with bruxism face is tooth erosion. Grinding and clenching puts a huge amount of force on your teeth, wearing away at the enamel. You can also experience loosened or cracked teeth. 

Many people with this condition also develop temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which causes pain and stiffness and can even affect how much you can open your mouth. 

Untreated bruxism also has the potential to cause headaches and facial pain because of the many muscles the condition overuses and fatigues. 

Common Causes of Bruxism

Although the exact cause of bruxism isn’t clear, many factors contribute to the development of the condition. 

Lifestyle habits play a role, with people who drink alcohol, smoke, or drink a lot of caffeine being more likely to develop the condition. 

Some medications, especially those for anxiety disorders, can also cause bruxism. The most common medications that pose this problem are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. 

The most common cause of this condition, however, is stress. If you experience high levels of stress in your life, you’re more prone to having bruxism. Because of how much stress impacts the condition, stress management is crucial for treating bruxism

5 stress reduction techniques for managing bruxism.

If you’ve been struggling with bruxism, these five techniques can help you decrease your stress levels. 

1. Deep Breathing Exercises

One effective exercise that can help you slow down your breathing pace is pursed-lip breathing. To do this exercise, inhale through your nose for two counts, then purse your lips and exhale by blowing air slowly for a count of four. 

Another option is alternate nostril breathing, which can help slow down your heart rate. Exhale and place a finger against one of your nostrils to close it off. Inhale through the open nostril and then switch to breathe out through the previously closed nostril. 

2. Mindfulness Meditation

For stress, mindfulness meditation can help you slow your mind and focus on the here and now. Think about what you can see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste. Focus on the room or environment around you and be in the moment.

3. Regular Exercise

Exercise is a great stress reducer. When you exercise, you get a boost of endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals in your brain. Not only does that help with stress, but it improves your mood and makes it easier to get better sleep. 

Exercise is also a type of meditation. When you’re running, swimming, or doing anything else that requires physical activity, you focus on what your body requires. This allows you to get perspective by stepping away from what’s causing you stress. 

4. Quality Sleep 

You need to get a good night’s sleep if you struggle with stress, but sleeping while you are stressed is often difficult. To give yourself the chance to get the rest you need, prepare your sleeping area so that it’s quiet, cool, and dark. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and avoid using your phone or watching television at least one hour before bed. 

5. Stress-reducing Hobbies

Lots of stress-reducing hobbies make it easier to unwind after a long day. Try coloring books for adults or jigsaw puzzles. Some people benefit from learning how to knit or crochet. Try a few different things until you find what you enjoy. 

Get help from a family dentist near Corpus Christi, Texas.

Stress is one of the most significant factors in the development of bruxism, so finding ways of managing your stress levels is crucial. By combining breathing exercises, regular exercise, meditation, and other options, you can get some relief from bruxism symptoms. At Orchard Dental Associates, we also recommend turning to nightguards if you have sleep bruxism. Nightguards protect your teeth by preventing you from grinding them together in your sleep. If you have bruxism, contact us today to see what treatment options we can offer.

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