Orchard Dental Associates

Gum Disease and the Link to Overall Health

By many accounts, gum disease is the most common disease among Americans, affecting close to 80 percent of adults to some degree. In its more advanced stages, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and the decay of jawbone tissue, requiring multiple types of restorative dentistry. But even in milder forms it can carry negative [...]

Porcelain Veneer Aftercare

Porcelain veneers have gained a positive reputation as a relatively quick and effortless way to achieve a straighter, whiter, and more beautiful smile. But the process of being fitted with porcelain veneers does not end when the veneers are placed. While it’s true that they are quite durable, porcelain veneers still require special aftercare for [...]

What Are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is an excellent treatment option for extrinsic tooth discoloration, the yellow or brown-toned stains that affect the surface of the teeth. The teeth whitening treatment process effectively removes discoloration from tooth enamel. But before undergoing treatment, patients should understand the potential side effects of teeth whitening treatment so they know what to expect [...]

The Causes behind Damaged Dental Crowns

At our Corpus Christi dental office, we want to help you protect your teeth by whatever means necessary. For smaller cavities, dental fillings are often the best method of treatment. But when a tooth has been severely weakened by decay or other damage, dental crowns may be necessary to restore the tooth’s health and functionality. [...]

Am I a Good Candidate for Lumineers?

As porcelain veneers have become more popular among cosmetic dentistry patients, new breakthroughs in dental technology have led to the development of new types of veneer. Lumineers® veneers are among the most advanced porcelain veneer brands available today. For the right candidate, Lumineers® can be a fast and effective path to a uniform and beautiful [...]

Five Things to Know Before Using Zoom!® Whitening

Thinking about using Zoom!®Whitening to brighten your smile, look younger, and, literally, dazzle at your next Corpus Christi social gathering? The highly-popular, Zoom!®teeth whiteningsystem lightens tooth enamel by six to ten shades, lifting deep stains and discoloration. However, don’t be blinded by the idea of dazzling teeth. Instead, be an informed consumer, armed with information [...]

Protect Your Teeth from Tooth Erosion: Causes and Treatment

Tooth erosion, the loss of tooth enamel, is something everyone is susceptible to. Tooth erosion is caused by a number of factors that can all lead to toothaches, cavities, and even tooth loss. Once enamel is damaged, it will not repair itself. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of [...]

The Need for Dental Crowns after a Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a proven procedure that can end the discomfort of an infected tooth and dental root. In many cases, it may be the only way to save the remaining healthy structure of your tooth. Your dentist will remove all bacteria and debris from the inner chamber and root canals, and he will [...]

Conditions Corrected by a Smile Makeover

At our Corpus Christi dental office, we understand that every patient is different, along with his or her smile. As such, we believe in delivering individualized treatment that addresses everyone’s unique needs. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure, especially when dealing with complex or compounded problems, cosmetic or otherwise. For patients looking to achieve a virtually…