Five Things to Know Before Using Zoom!® Whitening

Thinking about using Zoom!®Whitening to brighten your smile, look younger, and, literally, dazzle at your next Corpus Christi social gathering?

The highly-popular, Zoom!®teeth whiteningsystem lightens tooth enamel by six to ten shades, lifting deep stains and discoloration. However, don’t be blinded by the idea of dazzling teeth. Instead, be an informed consumer, armed with information so that you can make wise decisions regarding your cosmetic dental treatment.

1. The Zoom!® system works safely, efficiently, and quickly, but there are potential side effects.

Zoom!®Whitening bleaches tooth enamel and dentin. The popular cosmetic dentistry treatment improves the appearance of the smile by using a 25-percent hydrogen peroxide gel, activated under a specially-designed ultraviolet light that initiates a “photo-fenton” reaction. Treatment typically consists of three, 15-minute sessions, all conducted during the same appointment.

A plastic guard protects the gums, tongue, and other sensitive tissues, but sometimes the gel seeps through, causing temporary irritation. Usually, over-the-counter pain relievers provide relief. Teeth sensitivity also can occur, but often lasts no more than a day or so before subsiding.

2. Zoom!® won’t correct all types of teeth stains.

The results of teeth whitening often depend upon the starting point. The healthier and brighter your teeth are to begin with, the lighter they’ll be after treatment.

Teeth with external staining, like from food or drinks, respond best to Zoom!®. Intrinsic stains are another matter. Commonly caused by age or medication, intrinsic (or internal) teeth stains tend to look gray or a dark yellow shade.

3. Zoom!® isn’t for everyone.

Pregnant women or nursing moms should avoid chemical teeth whitening. If you already have sensitive teeth or a peroxide allergy, other whitening systems may be better suited for your needs. Keep in mind that porcelain and resin will not react to Zoom!®, so your white fillings and crowns will not lighten with treatment. If you have worn enamel or exposed teeth roots, talk to Dr. Orchard to discuss alternative whitening options and treatment for your existing dental concerns.

4. Whitening doesn’t last forever.

Chemical teeth whitening provides temporary results that can last one to three years. Make plans for follow-up treatments, or you can use home whitening trays when your teeth need a touch-up.

Keep in mind that tobacco makes teeth dingy and yellow, so smoking or chewing tobacco will stain teeth quickly, even after professional whitening. Drinking and eating dark, heavily-pigmented food stains teeth as well, so try to find a substitute for red wine. If you love red wine and dark-colored foods too much to give them up, abstain for the first 48 hours after Zoom!® Whitening, when teeth are most vulnerable to staining.

Remember to brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day, and floss daily. Good daily homecare, coupled with six-month checkups and cleanings, will help your teeth remain vibrant and healthy longer.

5. Don’t over whiten your teeth!

Natural tooth enamel isn’t fluorescent. The ultra-white teeth seen on beauty pageant contestants and in Hollywood won’t necessarily look great on you. Whitening your teeth too much can weaken tooth enamel, cause tooth sensitivity, and make enamel appear translucent. Trained, experienced cosmetic dentists, such as Dr. Orchard, will advise you on the right whitening treatment, as well as the ideal frequency of treatment.

Contact our practice to schedule a teeth whitening consultation.

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