Conditions Corrected by a Smile Makeover

At our Corpus Christi dental office, we understand that every patient is different, along with his or her smile. As such, we believe in delivering individualized treatment that addresses everyone’s unique needs. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure, especially when dealing with complex or compounded problems, cosmetic or otherwise. For patients looking to achieve a virtually new smile altogether, it is especially important to help each person formulate a personalized treatment plan.

A smile makeover can combine numerous cosmetic or restorative techniques as a way of comprehensively addressing a patient’s problems. Together with your cosmetic dentist, you can finally enhance your smile by tackling nearly any number of embarrassing flaws.

Cosmetic Problems that Can Be Corrected

Most patients who undergo a smile makeover are looking to correct multiple conditions at once. While many of these problems are purely aesthetic, they can seriously detract from a person’s appearance and thus confidence. Common examples of cosmetic issues fixed through a smile makeover include:

  • Gapped teeth: Teeth may be spaced too far apart in one or more spots, often appearing between the upper front teeth. This space can be filled via porcelain veneers or dental bonding.
  • Crooked teeth: Mild crookedness will not necessarily affect your bite, but it can play a negative role in the overall appearance of your teeth. Many patients do not even realize how much straighter their teeth could be, and what a significant improvement this is. Porcelain veneers and Invisalign® can both effectively straighten your smile.
  • Chips and cracks: Small chips tend to accumulate over time, causing teeth to look worn. Larger, more noticeable chips can be a distraction all on their own. With dental bonding or porcelain veneers, teeth can appear full once more.
  • Discoloration: Teeth tend to become stained over the years from a variety of factors. For surface stains, we offer teeth whitening treatment to brighten a smile by many shades at once. Porcelain veneers or dental bonding can help conceal deeper, individual stains unaffected by whitening. 

Undersized or misshapen teeth: When teeth appear too small or shaped differently than others, they make for an unbalanced smile. Porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and dental bonding are all possible ways to improve the size and shape of teeth.

Dental Health Problems that Can Be Corrected

Sometimes, conditions that negatively affect a smile also carry deeper implications for one’s dental health. Although we urge patients to seek restorative treatment as soon as such problems are detected, we can include such treatment as part of a larger smile makeover procedure. Examples include:

  • Large chips or cracks: Teeth suffering from significant damage, such as from physical trauma, may need structural support and protection. Dental crowns may be more appropriate for teeth that have incurred large chips.
  • Tooth decay: Any degree of decay should be addressed in order to prevent further tissue loss and to preserve the tooth. Through dental restorations such as fillings, inlays, onlays, or crowns, patients can keep their smile equally healthy and attractive.
  • Missing teeth: More than anything, lost teeth can be the biggest detriment to a smile. By replacing teeth with dental implants or bridges, you can achieve a full, strong smile. Additionally, the sooner teeth are replaced, the less likely adjacent teeth are to shift out of position.
  • Misaligned bite: Moderate to severe crookedness can cause bite misalignment, also called malocclusion. This can lead to discomfort, erosion, chewing problems, and impaired hygiene. With orthodontic treatment like Invisalign®, you can permanently straighten your smile.

Learn Which Treatments Can Help You

By meeting with a knowledgeable and experienced professional, you can learn which treatment options can best improve your smile. Dr. N. Perry Orchard is happy to speak with prospective smile makeover patients, and help them create a personal treatment plan. Contact our office to schedule a consultation, and get started on your new smile today.

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