What Is Photobiomodulation? Check Out How It Makes for a Painless Dental Experience

Better dental treatment with photobiomodulation.

What Photobiomodulation Means for You

Anticipating dental appointments can be stressful, especially if you’re concerned about having to deal with inflammation and discomfort after treatment. These thoughts may even keep you from scheduling the care you need to begin with. Whether you need a tooth extraction, dental implants, or other restorative treatment, you can look forward to a positive, stress-free experience with us.

At Orchard Dental Associates, we turn to photobiomodulation to help your tissue heal more rapidly so you experience minimal inflammation and little to no discomfort. If you need restorative dental treatment, photobiomodulation will certainly make the process more comfortable. Let’s take a closer look at what this therapy is and why it is so helpful for both treatment and recovery.

What is photobiomodulation?

In addition to causing unnecessary pain, prolonged inflammation can actually slow the healing process. Photobiomodulation therapy in dentistry uses low-level light energy to stimulate a healing response in your oral tissues. It does this by improving cell metabolism while at the same time reducing inflammation.

Since photobiomodulation uses lasers that don’t cause a heating effect, it produces no side effects. The light triggers a photochemical change in the body similarly to how sunlight affects the synthesis of vitamin D. By keeping inflammation in check from the start, we can ensure a smooth recovery and minimal (if any) discomfort.

The Science Behind Painless Dentistry

Using PBM therapy allows for easier recovery and minimizes healing-related discomfort. One of the crucial things about this technique is that it utilizes nonthermal lasers. This means it delivers energy directly to the mitochondria, increasing both tissue repair and healing function without causing any damage. 

Additionally, photobiomodulation is completely noninvasive. You don’t have to worry about preparing for it or recovering from it at all. 

How does laser therapy work? PBM therapy works by applying the light near the skin. Its energy (i.e., photons) penetrates the tissue and interacts with the cells on a molecular level, increasing the cells’ viability and producing the following benefits:

  • Accelerated wound healing
  • Increased circulation
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Reduced pain
  • Restoration of cellular function 

Light from PBM therapy enhances the performance of normal cells and tissues. It can also help increase vascular activity at the site, resulting in better blood flow. All of this leads to painless dental treatment and a much faster healing process. 

Making Dental Procedures Comfortable

PBM therapy is a powerful tool in restorative dentistry. Going through dental implant surgery, which many times requires bone grafts, can take time and can lead to inflammation during the recovery process. Tooth extractions are similarly challenging.

Inflammation is sometimes painful because the swelling presses against surrounding nerves. PBM therapy effectively reduces swelling and decreases pain. This is because, in addition to managing inflammation, PBM therapy produces an analgesic effect on the area. 

PBM therapy has also shown promise in promoting nerve healing after oral surgery. Not only that, but photobiomodulation stimulates regrowth of connective tissue and bone, helping to speed up healing. And because it helps to modulate the immune response, there’s less bruising, swelling, and pain to begin with. 

After an extraction, PBM therapy works well to speed soft tissue healing. It may also decrease the chances of developing a dry socket, a condition that causes significant pain. 

PBM therapy can also help speed up the integration of a dental implant into the jawbone, making the implant recovery process much faster. This is possible because PBM reduces the inflammatory response while also stimulating the formation of bone matrix.

Photobiomodulation: Trusting a Local Family Dentist in Corpus Christi

Dental treatment doesn’t have to be painful or stressful. In fact, painless treatments and smooth recoveries are not only possible but are normal experiences when you turn to a dentist who utilizes photobiomodulation therapy. Low-level light therapy from Orchard Dental Associates allows you to remain comfortable both during and after your restorative dental treatments. 

So if you need restorative treatment and want to heal quickly, avoid inflammation, and minimize discomfort during recovery, turn to us at Orchard Dental Associates. We are here and ready to give you the best treatment experience possible with the help of PBM therapy. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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