The Effects of Snoring

If you have ever shared a bed or room with someone who snores, you know how hard it can make getting a good night’s sleep. But what if you are the one snoring? You may be surprised to learn that snoring can make it difficult for you to get restful sleep, too, and may even be a sign of an underlying condition called obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, relief is available. Snoring therapy can help treat the cause and improve the quality of your sleep. Treating snoring can do more than just improve sleep. It can help prevent or lower the risks of the many other effects of snoring. Let’s take a closer look at some of these effects in this overview from Corpus Christi, TX, dentist Nicholas Perry Orchard.


Some people who snore find that they frequently wake up with a throbbing headache. Headaches may occur due to oxygen deprivation or a buildup of carbon dioxide, both of which can occur when breathing stops throughout the night, known as sleep apnea.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach backs up through the esophagus, reaching the mouth. Snoring can increase the likelihood of acid reflux as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acids may move up through the airways as a result of pressure changes caused by sleep apnea.


Snoring can impact memory, making those who suffer from chronic snoring forgetful. Snoring, and sleep apnea, can reduce oxygen flow to the brain, as breathing stops repeatedly through the night, and may increase cerebrospinal fluid levels, which can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate blood flow to the brain. Both a lack of oxygen and changes in cerebrospinal fluid levels can impact brain function and lead to forgetfulness.

Increased Risk of Stroke and Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring may increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems. Many people who snore suffer from sleep apnea and obesity, further increasing stress on the heart and cardiovascular system.


Snoring, especially when combined with sleep apnea, can interrupt sleep, causing those who snore to feel fatigued. Besides causing those who snore to feel fatigued, snoring can interrupt the sleep of bed partners.


The fatigue that many people feel from snoring can make it difficult to focus, increasing the risk of injuries. Fatigue also makes it difficult to think clearly or pay attention, which can lead to injuries while doing daily tasks like driving or operating heavy machinery.


Those who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea may be more prone to depression than those who don’t snore. Depression has many possible triggers but one that may be an issue for those who snore is fatigue and sleep deprivation.

Discover Your Treatment Options For Snoring

If you snore or suspect that you snore, it is important to seek a diagnosis and treatment for the issue as snoring can be an indication of obstructive sleep apnea and lead to many negative effects on the body. To learn more about snoring therapy, or to find out if treatment is right for you, please contact our staff to schedule a consultation.

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