Sensitivity After Dental Crown Treatment

Teeth that are severely damaged or decayed can be capped and repaired thanks to dental crowns. Whether made from metal or tooth-colored ceramic materials, dental crowns restore a patient’s smile and prevent more serious dental problems from occurring. Dr. N. Perry Orchard has helped countless Corpus Christi, TX patients thanks to dental crowns and other advanced restorations.

After getting crowns placed, some patients experience issues with tooth sensitivity. Let’s consider why this happens, how long it lasts, and what patients can do to manage their discomfort.

How Dental Crowns Are Placed

To understand why tooth sensitivity occurs when people have dental crowns, let’s first discuss the process of placing dental crowns.

When a dental crown is placed, the damaged or decayed portions of a tooth’s structure are removed, leaving behind the healthy underlying tooth structure. An impression is taken of the prepped tooth. From the impression, a crown is created to cap this remaining tooth structure.

Is Sensitivity Common After Getting a Crown?


The underlying structure of a tooth tends to be more sensitive to temperature and pressure than the topmost enamel layer of a tooth. When a crown is placed, it can take a little bit of time for the underlying tooth structure to get used to the cap being in place.

How Long Does Tooth Sensitivity Last?

Patients will notice some sensitivity, soreness, and general changes to the nature of their bite for a week or so. Consider this part of the natural adjustment period to having a dental crown. It’s totally normal.

Thankfully there are a few things that patients can do to reduce the tooth sensitivity they experience. Our Corpus Christi dental center offers the following advice if you’re getting used to your new crowns.

Adjusting Your Diet Temporarily

It’s a good idea to eat soft foods for the first couple of days after you have dental crowns placed. That means avoiding crunchy fruits, crispy vegetables, hard cereals such as granola, and even tough or chewy meats. Slowly add those foods back into your diet when your capped teeth feel more comfortable.

Using a Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

A toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth can be extremely helpful in the first days after getting dental crowns placed. You can continue using the toothpaste until your teeth feel back to normal. It’s also helpful to keep that sensitive teeth toothpaste just in case.

Cold Compress Against Your Face

If the soreness and tooth sensitivity are an issue, you can place a cold compress against your face to help reduce discomfort. Keep the cold compress against your cheek or lips for 20 minutes, remove it for 20 minutes, and then repeat as needed.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

While most patients don’t need pain medication for tooth sensitivity, you can take it if needed. Generally we recommend the other options for pain and sensitivity management first.

What If My Tooth Sensitivity Doesn’t Improve?

If you do not notice any improvements in tooth sensitivity, it’s important that you speak with someone at our Corpus Christi dental center as soon as possible. There could be another issue that requires professional attention and care.

Learn More About Dental Restorations

For more information about dental crowns and how to enhance your overall dental health and wellness, be sure to contact our team of cosmetic and restorative dentists.

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