Porcelain Veneers for Misshaped Teeth

A tooth that is too small or misshapen can detract from the overall beauty of your smile and put you at risk for oral health problems. If you wish to address the shape of a tooth, porcelain veneers might be the right treatment for you.

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are placed over the front surface of a tooth to conceal virtually any kind of dental imperfection. Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard is an experienced cosmetic dentist in Corpus Christi, TX; he can provide porcelain veneers for misshaped teeth to give you a smile you are proud to share.

Why Correct a Misshaped Tooth?

A tooth may become misshapen after a crack or chip to the enamel. Other times, the tooth may endure trauma, or it may have been misshapen when it erupted. In any case, a tooth that is not normally shaped or sized can throw off the symmetry of the entire smile.

Additionally, a tooth that is misshapen can create imbalances in your bite pattern. This can lead to jaw issues, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which cause headaches and facial and neck pain.

For these aesthetic and functional reasons, it is recommended that a misshapen tooth is addressed with a dental treatment. Porcelain veneers is one approach to achieve a normal tooth shape when just cosmetic issues are present..

A Closer Look at Porcelain Veneers

To receive a dental veneer, your tooth will first be prepped. This involves having some enamel removed to accommodate the porcelain veneer. Impressions will be taken of the tooth and sent to a dental lab where your restoration will be custom-crafted.

When your veneer is ready, about two weeks later, you will return to our practice to have it placed. Your dentist will first check that that veneer matches the shade and shape of your surrounding teeth. Then he will lightly buff the tooth and affix the veneer with specialized dental cement.

Why Veneers for Misshaped Teeth?

Veneers are considered the gold standard in cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers have a translucency to them that reflects light much like natural tooth enamel. Veneers are also custom matched to the shade of your natural teeth. For these reasons, they have a supremely life-like look.

What about Dental Bonding?

A misshapen tooth can also be treated with dental bonding. This cosmetic dental treatment involves applying a composite tooth-colored resin to the surface of a tooth. The material is very malleable and can be sculpted to make your tooth look proportioned. The resin is simply hardened with a curing light when the appropriate shape is achieved.

A dental bonding treatment is typically completed in a single treatment and is less expensive than porcelain veneers. While dental bonding does produce good-looking results, it does not provide the same authentic and convincingly natural appearance that veneers do.

Additionally, veneers are made from a dental-grade porcelain that is extremely durable. The composite resin in a dental bonding treatment is not as strong or lasting.

Learn More about the Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can completely transform your smile and self-image. Learn how a porcelain veneer can treat misshapen teeth and other cosmetic dental flaws by contacting us today.

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