dental implant cases
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - Patient restoring loss of a permanent tooth by having a titanium implant placed by an oral surgeon. Once site was ready to restore permanently Dr. Orchard removed healing cap and placed a custom abutment and CEREC emax crown.
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - Patient restoring the loss of a permanent front tooth by having an oral surgeon place a titanium implant. Once site was ready to restore, Dr. Orchard was able to scan site with CEREC and fabricate a custom EMAX all porcelain crown in office.
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - Patient presented missing teeth on upper right side. Implants were placed by an oral surgeon. Once site had healed Dr. Orchard then fabricated in office all porcelain implant crowns using CEREC.
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - Patient restoring missing teeth by having an oral surgeon place titanium implants. Once sites were ready to restore, Dr. Orchard was able to scan implants with CEREC and fabricate custom Emax all porcelain crowns in office.
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - Patient missing several front teeth, had implant posts placed by oral surgeon. Once healed , Dr. Orchard was able to fabricate same day customized colorization CEREC crowns.
Dentistry by Dr. N. Perry Orchard - In order to restore length and even occusal plane a combination of veneers and all porcelain crowns were fabricated in office using CEREC.
Restoring your smile is easy with Orchard Dental Associates!
If you would like to find out more about our restorative dentistry services, contact our office today to make an appointment.