Are Dental Implants Right for Any Age?

Dental implants can benefit those who are missing one or more teeth by providing natural looking and feeling tooth replacement.

Tooth loss can occur at any age, and while dental implants are suitable for many people, age must be considered. Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard explains how age can affect dental implant treatment during consultations at our Corpus Christi, TX, practice. To find out if dental implants are right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.

Age and Dental Implants

Whether caused by an injury, decay, or general wear, tooth loss can happen at any age. Replacing missing teeth is important to protecting oral health and restoring dental function. While dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth, they are not right for tooth loss at every age.

When it comes to age and dental implants, the biggest consideration is whether the patient’s jaw has fully matured. This means that children, including teenagers, are typically not eligible for treatment with dental implants, but adults of any age may be good candidates.

Dental Implants Shouldn’t Be Placed in Children and Teens

When placing dental implants, it’s important that the jaw be fully mature. Because of this, children should not receive dental implants since their jaws are not fully developed.

There isn’t an exact age when dental implants can be placed since some people’s jaws will fully mature by the age of 18 while others may not be fully matured until their early 20s.

Once patients have reached the age of 18, they may be ready for dental implants provided that their jaws have finished developing. X-rays may be taken to assess the jaw and determine if dental implant treatment would be appropriate.

Dental Implants Are Best Suited to Adults Over 18

Dental implants may be placed in adults of any age, even those who are in their 90s. As long as the patient is healthy enough to undergo minor oral surgery and has sufficient jawbone, dental implants may be an option for replacing missing teeth.

Dental implants may be paired with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures at our Corpus Christi practice, making them ideal for treating tooth loss in adults of all ages.

Age Is Not as Important as Bone Quality

Adults who have experienced tooth loss may receive dental implants at any age provided that the quality of their jawbone is sufficient to support dental implants.

Jawbone quality becomes a bigger issue with age and the length of time that the teeth have been missing. Tooth loss can cause the jawbone to atrophy. Those who have lived with tooth loss for many years may not have sufficient jawbone to support dental implants.

Fortunately, the jaw may be rebuilt with a bone graft. Bone grafts may be performed using bone from the patient’s own body, usually the hip, or a synthetic material. Once the graft heals and integrates with the jawbone, dental implants may be placed.

Learn More about Dental Implants

If you live in or around Corpus Christi and would like more information about dental implants, or to find out if you’re a candidate, please contact us to schedule a consultation.

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