Adjusting to Invisalign

Invisalign involves the use of customized, clear aligners to gently guide your teeth into proper alignment. The benefits include greater comfort and less visibility. However, it can take some time to adjust to wearing your Invisalign aligners.

At the practice of Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard, we will guide patients through each step of the Invisalign process, which can take anywhere from six to 18 months depending on the extent of correction needed. Here, we provide tips on how to adjust to your Invisalign aligners. To find out if you are a good candidate for treatment, contact our Corpus Christi, TX practice.

What to Expect during Invisalign Treatment

Your journey to a better smile begins with our dentists taking detailed digital impressions of your teeth. Once your custom aligners arrive, you’ll begin wearing them 20 to 22 hours a day. Each set of aligners will be replaced after two weeks.

The aligners move the teeth in small increments. Some patients do experience discomfort, especially during the first day or two after using a new set of aligners. Following some simple tips can minimize discomfort.

Tips to Help You Avoid Discomfort

While Invisalign aligners are designed to be convenient and comfortable, there will be times in which you will experience minor soreness and pressure on your teeth.

Following these tips can help you cut down on unnecessary discomfort during your Invisalign treatment process:

  • Place new trays before going to sleep: Aligner trays put the greatest pressure on misaligned teeth during the first hours and days of use. By switching to new trays at night, you can sleep through this period of moderate discomfort.
  • Avoid hard foods: While a slow process, your jawbone is adjusting to your moving teeth. Because of this, your teeth may be more sensitive than normal. Avoiding hard candies and crunchy foods can help you avoid putting pressure on your tender gums and teeth.
  • Try over-the-counter pain medication: Any discomfort resulting from Invisalign treatments are temporary, usually lasting only a day or two. Check in with our doctors to see which pain relievers may work best for you.
  • Report unexpected pain: While rare, the edges of the aligners can sometimes rub on the surrounding gum tissue. Doctors Robertson and Orchard can adjust the trays as needed.

What About Talking with My Aligners In?

Some patients have some difficulty speaking or making certain sounds when they wear their first set of Invisalign trays. This typically goes away within a few days as you become accustomed to talking with your aligners in your mouth.

Caring for Your Aligners

You should brush your clear aligners twice a day, just as you do your teeth. Make sure you have a mouthguard container and bring it with you so you have a place to hold your aligners during meals.

Set Up Your First Invisalign Appointment

Wearing the Invisalign aligners requires some minor adjustment, but the benefits of a more attractive smile are worth the effort.

If you are ready to learn about Invisalign or any of our other cosmetic or restorative dental options, Dr. Orchard will be glad to answer your questions at our clinic. To learn more, contact us.

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