How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Tooth decay and dental damage compromise the strength and function of a tooth, and may cause significant discomfort. When damage is minor, a filling should suffice to restore the integrity of the tooth. However, more advanced decay or trauma will likely require a dental crown.

Dental crowns restore and protect the crown of a tooth on all sides, enhancing the strength, function, and appearance of the smile. CERECĀ® technology allows Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard to offer our Corpus Christi, TX, patients dental crowns in as little as one day. But how long do dental crowns last?

We are happy to prepare our patients for how long they can expect their dental crowns to last. We also provide some important aftercare tips that will help individuals prolong the lifespan of their dental restorations, so that they can enjoy the benefits of dental crowns for many years.

Average Lifespan of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns repair decay and damage to restore the health, function, and beauty of the smile. The benefits that dental crowns provide are numerous. Although dental crowns are usually covered, at least in part, by dental insurance, they are a bit of a financial investment. Given the cost of treatment, it is understandable that most people want to know how long they can expect their dental crown to last.

There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of a dental crown, so it is impossible for us to tell our Corpus Christi patients exactly how long their dental restoration will hold up. However, we do offer a ten-year guarantee on our restorative dentistry treatments, and with proper care, patients should be able to prolong the lifespan of their dental crown to 15 years or more.

Common Causes of Dental Crown Damage

The dental crowns we provide are fabricated out of attractive and durable ceramic materials that are meant to withstand the continual force of biting and chewing. However, just like the natural teeth, they will wear down over time. In addition, there are factors that can cause dental crowns to be damaged prematurely, such as:

  • Poor dental habits
  • Poor oral hygiene practices
  • Oral injury or trauma

Getting the Most Out of your Dental Crown

Just as there are factors that threaten the lifespan of a dental crown, there are practices that can help dental crowns last longer. We encourage our Corpus Christi patients to take good care of their teeth and dental restorations, so that they enjoy a strong, healthy smile for many years.

These habits are beneficial when it comes to getting the most years out of your dental crown:

  • Brush and floss regularly
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Slide floss between the teeth, rather than pulling it up
  • Avoid foods that are extra sticky or hard
  • Refrain from harmful dental habits such as grinding, clenching, or biting on nonfood objects
  • Wear a mouthguard when participating in contact sports

Contact Us

Dr. Nicholas Perry Orchard offers a comprehensive range of dental services that allow our patients to enjoy their best smile. If you would like to learn more about dental crowns or any of our other restorative dentistry treatments, send us a message at your earliest convenience.

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