Overcome Dental Phobia with Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Millions of Americans avoid dental cleanings and treatments because of anxiety. These fears may be due to a bad dental experience, low pain tolerance, or restless leg syndrome, among other reasons. At our Corpus Christi, TX practice, we believe that fear or anxiety should not be a barrier to oral healthcare.

Sedation dentistry helps patients relax during their dental appointments. One option our doctors offer is nitrous oxide. The safe gas is administered at a controlled and steady rate during your procedure.

One benefit of nitrous oxide over other forms of sedation dentistry is that it wears off very quickly, allowing you to drive home or return to work after your dental treatment.

What Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Nitrous oxide is one of three forms of sedation offered at our clinic. The diluted mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is administered through a nosepiece or mask. Also called laughing gas, this form of sedation is considered mild.

Once administered, the gas enters the bloodstream through the lungs before reaching the brain and central nervous system. Within minutes of being administered, patients usually report feeling:

  • Relaxed
  • Euphoric
  • Giddy
  • Like they are floating
  • Peaceful
  • Tingling in their extremities
  • Rested

Benefits of Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide has been in use as a medical sedative for more than a century. The gas mixture is a good choice for many patients because it allows them to return to work and other obligations immediately after treatment.

The benefits of this form of sedation include:

  • Highly safe track record
  • Minimal wait time for sedative effects
  • No need for needles
  • Minimal side effects
  • Precise dosage
  • Relief from dental phobia
  • Reduced dental treatment time (by cutting down on restlessness)

Am I a Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Most patients who experience dental phobia are candidates for nitrous oxide. Certain medical conditions, such as emphysema or pregnancy, can require that other forms of sedation be considered. Some patients experience nitrous oxide-related nausea.

During your consultation, one of our doctors will determine if nitrous oxide is a suitable form of sedation for you. Even if you do not suffer from dental phobia, fidgeting and restlessness can be reduced using nitrous oxide.

How Is Nitrous Oxide Administered?

Before your dental treatment, one of our doctors will administer a steady dosage of nitrous oxide through a mask. The effects of this sedative can be felt quickly.

Throughout your procedure, one of our doctors will monitor gas flow and your vitals to ensure the gas is being administered safely. You will be conscious and able to communicate throughout the procedure. Once the flow of gas has been ceased, the effects of the sedative will quickly wear off.

Contact Us Today

If you are anxious or apprehensive about dental treatments, you are not alone. Millions of Americans report dental phobia. Sedation dentistry using nitrous oxide is a safe and effective treatment for relieving fear over dental treatments.

If you are interested in planning your next treatment while using the calming effects of nitrous oxide, contact our office online or call (361) 992-3011.

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